STL - Shirley Technologies Ltd
STL stands for Shirley Technologies Ltd
Here you will find, what does STL stand for in Textiles under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Shirley Technologies Ltd? Shirley Technologies Ltd can be abbreviated as STL What does STL stand for? STL stands for Shirley Technologies Ltd. What does Shirley Technologies Ltd mean?The United Kingdom based company is located in Manchester, Manchester engaged in textiles industry.
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Alternative definitions of STL
- St Louis Rams
- Southern Tampa Land
- Lambert - St. Louis International Airport, St. Louis, Missouri USA
- Swelling, tenderness, limitation
- Sweet Tender Lovin
- St. Louis
- St Louis
- St Louis Rams
View 311 other definitions of STL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- STL Spot Trading LLC
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- SHP Solis Health Plans
- SREC Strategic Real Estate Coach
- SFL Sands Fridge Lines
- SSU Support Services Unlimited
- SKAP Square Kilometre Array Project
- SFMC San Francisco Media Company
- SPI Sony Pictures Interactive
- SWC Sams Wholesale Club
- SBPL Seattle Bouldering Project LLC
- SMHD Show Me Home Delivery
- SME Spark Middle East
- SIC Superb Internet Corp.
- SAE Sumner Adult Education
- SPD Salem Police Department
- SENJ Skyline Exhibits New Jersey
- SCI Security Contracting Inc.
- SWI Sublime Wireless Inc